Wild Marjoram
Organic Herb Seed
Light, sweet flavor for teas and cooking.
Use leaves fresh or dried for culinary purposes. Blooms in shades of pink to purple from midsummer through fall. For cut-flower use, harvest flowers in bud stage for best color.
Attracts Beneficial Insects: Provides pollen and nectar for beneficial insects such as bees, hoverflies, lacewing larva, parasitic wasps, and tachinid flies.
Edible Flowers: Use the flowers, which have a mild and marjoram-like flavor, as you would the herb to garnish salads, soups, stews, sauces, and stuffing. Also pairs well with citrus, mushrooms, and fish.
Growing Information
DAYS TO GERMINATION:7-14 days at 65–70°F (18–21°C).
SOWING:Transplant (recommended): Sow seeds in flats 8-10 weeks before the last frost. Sprinkle seeds on top of the growing medium and gently press them into the soil. Do not cover, as the seeds require light to germinate. Keep evenly moist until germination. Transplant to individual containers when seedlings have at least 4 true leaves.
Transplant outside after the last frost date, spacing plants 12" apart in rows 18" apart. To make plants bushier, pinch back lush new growth.
SOIL REQUIREMENTS:Grows best in well-drained, sandy soil. Wild marjoram tolerates drought once the plant is established.
HARVEST:Cut leaves at any time for culinary use. For use as a dried flower, cut stems when flowers are budded, but not open, and hang upside down to dry.
SCIENTIFIC NAME:Origanum vulgare