🌞Shirazi Tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum) originally hailed from the Shiraz region of Persia. This is a coveted strain of tobacco that is fast growing (more so than many other Tobaccum species) that produces thin leaves and has a distinctive cone shaped apical bud. Leaves appropriately cured will turn to a gorgeous light tan. All varieties of Nicotiana tobaccum make beautiful ornamentals namely due to their pronounced trumpet-shaped flowers.
🌿Common Name:Shirazi Tobacco Seed
🌿Scientific Name:Nicotiana tabacum
🌿Description:A stout, fast growing strain that traveled from the New World to Persia. Produces thin leaves.
🌿Plant Lifespan:Perennial
🌿Cold Hardiness (F):Zone 9b (25 to 30)
🌿Light Requirements:Full Sun (min. 6 hours a day)
🌿Seed In:Spring-Summer
🌿Seeding Depth:Surface
🌿Days to Sprout:7-14
🌿Optimal Soil Temperature (F):70-75
🌿Plant Spacing:18-36 in.
🌿Plant Height:6 ft.
🌿Average Days from Seed to Harvest:80-100