Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a perennial culinary herb plant.While native to the Mediterranean and Eurasian regions of the world, Oregano is definitely at home in most temperate parts of the world. Can be grown in part shade and will overwinter in colder winter climates as long as freezes aren’t prolonged. Plants form small, dark green fuzzy leaves that grow both upright and crawl via their roots. Cutting back plants stalks after they start setting seed will encourage more leaf production in a single season. One plant is ideal for a home garden’s culinary needs.
Common Name:Italian Oregano
Scientific Name:Origanum vulgare
Description:Mint family perennial herb with foliage used as a seasoning across a number of cuisines.
Plant Lifespan:Perennial
Cold Hardiness (F):Zone 9b (25 to 30)
Light Requirements:Full Sun (min. 6 hours a day)/Part Shade
Seed In:Spring-Summer
Seeding Depth:Surface
Days to Sprout:7-21
Optimal Soil Temperature (F):65–70
Plant Spacing:2-4 ft.
Plant Height:2 ft.
Average Days from Seed to Harvest:100