Rainbow Roses are also known as Happy Roses or Kaleidoscope Roses. These blooms may look like they were plucked out of a story book, but trust us when we say they’re 100% real. These unique blooms boast vibrant and brightly coloured petals, making them the life of the party or centre of attention anywhere you put them.
Appearance features:
The flowers of rainbow roses are often mottled, gradated or interlaced in multiple colors, giving them a uniquely brilliant effect. These colors may appear on different parts of the petals, creating a wonderful spectacle of weaving colors. The petals of rainbow roses may appear in many colors such as red, yellow, pink, orange, purple, etc. Each flower is a creative color artwork.
How to grow:
Seed prep: Seeds can be soaked in warm water for several hours to help encourage germination.
Seedlings: Sow the seeds in suitable seedling soil, cover with a thin layer of soil, and keep moist. Use a nursery box or seed tray to help maintain the right humidity and temperature.
Light: Rainbow rose seeds need plenty of light for growth, but avoid exposure to harsh sunlight.
Temperature: Maintain a suitable temperature, generally between 20°C and 25°C, which is conducive to the germination and growth of seeds.
Transplanting: When the seedlings have grown enough leaves, they can be carefully transplanted into larger pots or flower beds to continue proper maintenance.