How to Grow
🌿Keep weeds under control during the growing season. Weeds compete with plants for water, space and nutrients, so control them by either cultivating often or use a mulch to prevent their seeds from germinating. Avoid disturbing the soil around the plants when weeding.
🌿Keep plants well watered during dry periods to promote rapid, uninterrupted growth. Brussels sprouts need 1-1 ½ inches of water weekly. Celery grows best when it has constant moisture, and relatively cool temperatures. It cannot tolerate high heat conditions.
🌿Tie celery plants together to prevent sprawling and to blanch the interior.
✨Harvest celery in about 115 days from setting plants in the garden.
✨Harvest stalks by cutting the base at soil level with a knife.
✨Celery is great as a fresh snack or diced for use as a seasoning vegetable.
✨Celery leaves are also edible. Eat leaves while still tender, before they become fibrous.
✨Collect celery seed after flowering and grind up or use for celery flavoring in cooking.
✨Wash celery after harvest, pat dry, keep refrigerated.
✨Celery may be frozen for later use in cooking, but it does lose its crispness when it is frozen.
✨Celery leaves may be dried in a dehydrator.