How to Grow
🌿Keep weeds under control during the growing season. Weeds compete with plants for water, space and nutrients, so control them by either cultivating often or use a mulch to prevent their seeds from germinating.
🌿Keep plants well watered during dry periods to promote uninterrupted growth. Plants need about 1 inch of rain per week during the growing season. Use a rain gauge to check to see if you need to add water. It’s best to water with a drip or trickle system that delivers water at low pressure at the soil level. If you water with overhead sprinklers, water early in the day so the foliage has time to dry off before evening, to minimize disease problems. Keep the soil moist but not saturated.
🌿Monitor for pests and diseases. Check with your local Cooperative Extension Service for pest controls recommended for your area.
✨Pick the greens when they are 4-6 inches long and the roots are less than 2 inches in diameter.
✨Harvest roots at 1 inch for baby beets, up to 3 inches for mature beets.
✨Store fall-harvested beets at 33-35°F at 95% humidity.
✨Cook beet greens like spinach.
✨Beet roots can be pickled, grilled, baked or broiled.
✨To prevent red beets from excessive “bleeding” in cooking, wait until after cooking to peel, remove taproots and slice. Trim off the tops about 1 inch above the roots and wash carefully with a vegetable brush. Boil until tender, then plunge into cold water. When cool enough to handle, slip the skins off with your fingers and remove the little taproots. Slice the beets, or serve whole.