

$9.79 – $59.99
🍒欢迎来到樱桃果种子🍒 秘密花园的魔法源泉🍒✨ 🌿🍒既然可以自己在家种植樱桃树,为什么还要购买呢?告别水果账单,迎接全年丰收!我们的樱桃树在任何季节都茁壮成长,不惧烈日和霜冻。无需园艺技能 — 只需浇水和晒太阳,就能收获丰硕的樱桃。非常适合盆栽或小花园!🌞🍒 雷尼尔樱桃简介名称:雷尼尔樱桃产品类型:盆景风格:多年生颜色:幼时为绿色,成熟后变为深红紫色形状:大小与大豌豆相当,球形至梨形,直径约 8-25 毫米口感:纯甜不酸,香脆多汁主要营养成分:碳水化合物(9.45%)维生素B6(5.54%)总膳食纤维(5.00%)铜(5.00%)维生素B5(3.84%)健康益处:有助于刺激呼吸,改善消化,治疗咳嗽、感冒、痛风并带来幸福感。种植季节您可以全年播种这些种子,非常方便。 每一颗樱桃果籽,都蕴含着味蕾的无限探险,带给您自然的魅力,呈现生活​​最甜蜜的一面。 樱桃果籽不仅仅是普通的水果,更是非凡事物的开端。将樱桃果籽撒入日常生活,收获健康和幸福。 为什么选择我们的樱桃种子? 🌱独特的品种选择 - 我们提供来自世界各地的最稀有的樱桃品种,让您的味蕾游遍国际。 🍀 轻松种植——无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的园丁,我们简单实用的种植指南都能确保您在家中舒适地成功种植。 💪 健康益处 - 樱桃富含抗氧化剂,可促进心血管健康并增强免疫系统。 立即开始您的樱桃果种子之旅!🍒✨
Mulberry Seeds - Black

Mulberry Seeds - Black

$7.79 – $46.79
This old world fruit is growing in popularity here in Canada, and for good reason! Sweet, oblong berries hang abundantly from these trees. The trees themselves grow to 30 feet...
Mulberry Seeds - White

Mulberry Seeds - White

$7.79 – $46.79
This wondrous tree is native to Northern China and produces super sweet, pinkish-white berries. Morus Alba is quick growing and can reach 50 feet in height. Berries are lovely eaten...
Hardy Orange Seeds

Hardy Orange Seeds

$7.79 – $46.79
The striking Hardy Orange tree - also known as Chinese Bitter Orange or Trifoliate Orange - while not a true orange, is closely related to the Citrus family. This incredibly...
Cranberry Seeds - Wentworth High Bush

Cranberry Seeds - Wentworth High Bush

$6.79 – $45.79
GOOD NEWS 🎉BUY MORE GET MORE FREE🎉 🎁 Buy 4, Get 1 Free 🌷 🎁 Buy 7, Get 2 Free 🌷 🎁 Buy 19, Get 4 Free 🌷 🎁 Buy 23,...
Blueberry Seeds - High-Bush Blueberry

Blueberry Seeds - High-Bush Blueberry

$7.79 – $46.79
Highbush Blueberry is a wonderful hardy perennial for edible landscaping. With high yields of plump, delicious berries and flaming Autumn colour, this native shrub brings many beneficial attributes to the...
Organic Gooseberry Seeds - Indian Gooseberry Seeds - Amla Phyllanthus Emblica

Organic Gooseberry Seeds - Indian Gooseberry Seeds - Amla Phyllanthus Emblica

$9.79 – $48.79
Grow your own Indian Gooseberries at home with our Amla Phyllanthus Emblica Gooseberry Seeds.These non-GMO, heirloom seeds are grown using sustainable methods to ensure the best quality product.With a typical...
Dwarf Pomegranate

Dwarf Pomegranate

$9.79 – $48.79
This Pomegranate variety ‘Nana’ is much more petite than its big brother, Pomegranate (Punica granatum) with its apple-sized, edible fruits. This dwarf variety, however, has a much more showy blossom...
Hardy Kiwi Seeds (actinidia arguta)

Hardy Kiwi Seeds (actinidia arguta)

$8.51 – $45.51
Hardy kiwi vines (actinidia argutua) are a fast-growing plant with beautiful round soft foliage and delicious small tropical tasting fruit that grows easily in Northern climates. These vines have smaller...
Key Lime Seeds for Planting Home Gardening, Rare Fruit Seeds

Key Lime Seeds for Planting Home Gardening, Rare Fruit Seeds

$9.16 – $48.07
HighlightsKey lime is a delicious food which used for many cooking foods. Sometimes it used for a flavor. Some of them used for the cleaning process. Here are some uses...
Hardy kiwi Fruit kiwiberry 'Scarlet September' Plum-size

Hardy kiwi Fruit kiwiberry 'Scarlet September' Plum-size

$8.02 – $47.02
Highlightskiwiberry 'Scarlet September' (Actinidia arguta).Hardy Perennial.A rampant climber reaching 8 m height with a 2-3 m annual growth. It is hardy to zone 3 and is not frost tender.The flowers...
Star Fruit Seeds

Star Fruit Seeds

$8.14 – $47.14
HighlightsStar fruit is a WONDERFUL tree to experience! The fruit is delicious and shaped like a STAR. It’s got the cutest little flowers and they produce SO MUCH FRUIT! Star...